Powerlifters crush it at home meet

Wellington High School hosted its 5th Annual Powerlifting Meet this past Saturday, and the Crusader crushed it!!  Eighteen schools had team entries to the event and the Wellington women's team took 1st, the junior men's team (comprised of freshmen and sophomores) took 1st, and the men's team (juniors and seniors) took 7th!  Several individuals PR'd or otherwise improved their overall weight lifted from last weekend's virtual Goddard meet, too!  Well done, Crusaders!!  View the compiled Wellington results and photos from the event taken by WHS Digital Media Team member Gaby Mason below!

Homecoming Basketball Roundup


The Wellington basketball teams squared off against the Circle Thunderbirds on homecoming night February 3.  This was the second meeting between the boys varsity team and Circle.  They earlier played in the Championship of the Roadrunner Classic, in which the Thunderbirds eked out a 1-point win over the Crusaders in the final seconds after trailing the entire game.  The girls varsity team last played Circle in the Sub-state Championship last season.

WHS Lifters excel in Goddard virtual meet

The WHS Powerlifting Team participated in their second meet of the season with another virtual meet, this time hosted by Goddard High School.  The women's team took 3rd, and the men's team took 5th overall in the meet which boasted nearly 530 lifters.  The Crusaders had a several individuals place in the top 3 of their weight division, and the coaches reported that nearly every Wellington powerlifter PR'ed at this meet.