Football captains named at third annual "Decals with your Dudes" event

Football captains named at third annual "Decals with your Dudes" event

Thu, 09/05/2024 - 22:38
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The WHS Football program held its third annual "Decals with Dudes" event, a team tradition started by head coach Jeremiah Meeks to foster a sense of community and family within the team and with the athletes' loved ones.  The football players invite special people in their lives to help them apply their helmet decals--this year's design featuring a white stripe and letter "W" on the player's left-hand side.  The coaches provide a dinner of Big Cheese Pizza and also announce the team's captains as voted on by the players.

This year's captains are all seniors: Dusty Bannister (his second year as captain), Brody Weir (his third year), Jamar Armstrong (his first year), and Grady Norris (his second year).

This is also the last team event featuring the players with their "natural hair" before the customary "haircut party" held the Thursday night before the season's first game, during which the players cut and dye each other's hair.

The team's season debut is tomorrow, September 6, at 7pm at Wichita Collegiate!  Go Crusaders!



Photos by Katie Ford/

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