
Photos, photos, and MORE photos: Football Hamburger Scrimmage

We're a little lighter on photos than usual of the Football Hamburger Scrimmage last Thursday, but that's because my camera spent most of the evening in the hands of yearbook photographers!  There are over 30 yearbook students this year, and I'm excited to share their work in this space this school year!  Check out the many photos from the night below!


Lady Crusader Golfers take 3rd in "State Preview"

Varsity Lady Crusaders Golf had their first action on the season with the State Preview Tournament at Hesston yesterday. Over 20 4A teams from around the state were invited to play at the location where the state tournament will be held at the conclusion of the season. With some new faces in the lineup, Wellington was able to persevere through the heat and place 3rd as a team! Additionally, junior Presley Cornejo medaled with a 10th place individual finish!

Football bridge tradition continues

Additional Photography by Axl Norris, Grady Norris, and Jagger Norris/WHS Crusader Yearbook


The bridge tradition continues and evolves!  Every year the football players work in the pre-season to repaint the old bridge at Sellers Park in a tradition dating back decades.  Who is involved from year to year has evolved, as it was at one point only the senior football players and cheerleaders who contributed to the painting, but in the last few years, it has been a wider group of students putting in the work.

Meet the 2024 WHS Girls Tennis Team!

It was "Media Day" for the Lady Crusader Tennis program this evening!  Coaches Aufdengarten and Adams have 17 girls out for the team this season, nearly half of which are plucky freshmen!  Returning players include the four seniors Kadynce Aufdengarten, Addie Hinshaw, Sullivan Parkey, and Scout Douglas; juniors Cruz Cornejo, Logan Robinson, and Jordan Koehn (not pictured); and sophomores Scotlyn Ewing and Ellie Hays.  They're joined by eight freshmen, Sienna Goodrum, Gracie Thomson, Addi Thomson, Georgia Shinliver, Emma Norris, Laney Meeker, Berkeley Easterberg, and Madalynn Wonser.

Annual WHS Volleyball Alumni Gatorade Scrimmage slated for August 29

UPDATE: Due to a change in the football scrimmage, the volleyball scrimmage will now start at 4:30pm!

The annual WHS Volleyball scrimmage event is on the books for next Thursday, August 29, at WHS!  Come watch the high school teams compete against each other and with an alumni team in this showcase event.  If you feel moved to donate a pack of water or Gatorade to the team, all the better!  The team takes these donated drinks with them on the road to their many weekend tournaments throughout the season.